Seborrheic Dermatitis is a common skin disorder marked by red, scaly, itchy, and flaking skin, primarily affecting the scalp. It may also impact other oily regions of the body such as the face, chest, and back. This chronic condition's exact cause remains unknown, but it's believed to be linked to a yeast named Malassezia present on the skin or an inflammatory response tied to oil-rich skin. The symptoms often vary in intensity and may even vanish only to recur later. While the condition isn't generally harmful, it can be distressing and can make some patients self-conscious.
How is it treated?
While there is no absolute cure for Seborrheic Dermatitis, our dermatologists in Clarkston and Oxford, Michigan can prescribe a treatment plan to control and alleviate your symptoms. Regular check-ups can aid in tracking the progress and effectiveness of treatments, which may include topical antifungals, corticosteroid creams, lotions, or shampoos.
Lifestyle modifications like stress reduction and a comprehensive skincare routine can also aid in managing outbreaks. Clarkston Dermatology can offer specific suggestions tailored to your skin type and condition severity, improving your quality of life and helping you to feel more comfortable and confident in your skin.