What is it?
Rosacea, a chronic skin inflammation, typically presents as skin redness or rash. It is particularly prevalent among people with fair complexions and those middle aged or older. To an untrained eye, rosacea can often be misdiagnosed as acne, an allergic reaction or eczema due to the similarity in symptoms.
Rosacea presents itself as tiny, red, pus-filled bumps primarily on the cheeks, nose, forehead and occasionally around the eyes. Symptoms may include facial swelling, dry and flaky skin, visible broken blood vessels, an enlarged nose and persistent redness of the skin.
Rosacea is one of the more common conditions we treat at Clarkston Dermatology.
How is it treated?
While there isn't a complete solution for rosacea, the Clarkston Dermatology team can assist you in developing a strategy to control the symptoms. Treatments such as topical drugs, oral antibiotics, light therapy and laser therapy are available to alleviate your discomfort.
Our team can also help discover the specific causes of your rosacea outbreaks. Understanding your triggers can assist in minimizing the occurrence and intensity of your symptoms. Schedule today if you are ready to get your rosacea under control. We welcome new patients in our Clarkston and Oxford, Michigan locations