What is it?
Mohs surgery is recognized as the most effective strategy for treating prevalent non-melanoma skin cancers, including basal cell and squamous cell carcinoma. This particular surgery eliminates the cancerous cells while preserving healthy tissue, resulting in minimal scarring. As the cells and affected tissue layers are removed, they are analyzed by a pathologist in our lab. Mohs surgery is unique compared to excisional surgery as it is performed in stages, with lab testing done on the premises.
Due to its high success rate, Mohs surgery is primarily suggested for patients with high-risk non-melanoma skin cancer (high-risk skin cancers are located on the nose, eyelids, lips, ears, hands, feet, and genitals).
Mohs surgery is conducted by our fellowship trained surgeon with specialized expertise in eliminating your cancer with the least possible scarring.
What to expect
During the procedure, our fellowship trained Mohs surgeon will meticulously remove skin cancer layer by layer while preserving healthy tissue. Thin layers of skin are removed and examined under a microscope until no cancerous cells remain. Local anesthesia is typically applied directly to the area to minimize discomfort during the procedure. After surgery, you may experience swelling, bruising, and discomfort, which can usually be managed with pain medication and proper wound care. Follow-up appointments may be necessary to monitor healing progress and ensure the success of the procedure.
At Clarkston Dermatology, our surgeon has undergone extensive training and has decades of experience. Contact one of our offices today in Clarkston and Oxford, Michigan to schedule a consultation with our board-certified Mohs surgeon to learn more about the most effective technique for treating many types of skin cancers.