Raised, red, itchy bumps (welts) on your skin, ranging from small spots to large blotches, caused by a skin reaction. Hives can be localized or cover large areas of the body.
Urticaria, commonly referred to as hives, is a prevalent skin issue marked by itchy, red welts of varying sizes that can emerge anywhere on the body. Generally an allergic reaction, it can be provoked by a range of factors like food, medication, insect stings, or even stress. The rash typically disappears within 24 hours, but new ones can develop, creating the illusion that the issue is persisting or spreading around the body. Chronic Urticaria refers to instances when this problem lasts for more than six weeks but may indicate a more severe underlying health issue.
How is it treated?
A dermatologist can provide substantial assistance to those dealing with hives. They can find the root cause and pinpoint the trigger of the condition, which is essential in managing and preventing subsequent flare-ups. If the hives are indicative of a more serious illness, Clarkston Dermatology can assist in detecting and treating that as well. We may offer relief by prescribing antihistamines, corticosteroids, or other anti-inflammatory drugs to reduce the itching and swelling. Hives can lead to discomfort and distress, but with the right dermatological attention, it can be effectively managed and controlled. See us at our Oxford or Clarkston, Michigan offices if you need help treating hives.