Dandruff is a very common skin issue, mainly affecting the scalp, leading to white particles of dead skin dropping from the scalp onto the shoulders. Most patients with dandruff experience an itchy scalp. Numerous factors can result in dandruff, such as dry skin, a reaction to hair care products, insufficient shampooing or a yeast-like organism named malassezia. Dandruff generally occurs in adults and is more prevalent among males than females. Despite its widespread occurrence, it can cause discomfort and embarrassment for those affected. Dandruff isn't linked to poor cleanliness, but its visibility might increase if you neglect regular hair washing.
How is it treated?
If you have troublesome dandruff, our team at Clarkston Dermatology can help. Though a scalp examination and potential additional testing, we can pinpoint the cause of your dandruff. Depending on the cause and intensity, our dermatologists may recommend medicated shampoos, creams, or lotions. For more persistent cases, we might suggest prescription-strength shampoos or steroid-based lotions. With regular follow-up appointments, our teams on Clarkston and Oxford, Michigan can monitor your improvement and modify the treatment as necessary for optimal control of flakes and itching.